بسم ﷲ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Social Etiquettes



Faheemah Karolia

eMahad Graduate



Nowadays, mannerisms in socializing have morphed into what we could say is a very distorted version of perfect social behaviour. It seems that most do not even regard it to be part of Deen. Therefore, whatever may come to mind is acted upon without fear of consequences.


It should be understood that the moral and social code of Islam also have prescribed limits and rules, just as the laws pertaining to Salaah and Saum have. As a consequence of excesses and deficiencies in these limits and rules a person ends up abusing the rights of others.


As Muslims , it is a duty upon us to fulfil the rights of others ,and we should take it upon ourselves to learn about Akhlaaq, Aadab and Mu’aasharaat accordingly.


The best way to build and maintain excellent socio-etiquette is to look towards our pious predecessors who were the true role models and embodiment of Deen. And who best to learn from other than our beloved Nabi e Kareem ﷺ.


A few simple examples are listed below.

  • Spread salaam .

One of the first norms that Muslim communities are well-known for, is salaam. A message and prayer of peace between fellow Muslims ,ensuring peace and tranquility among them.

The Prophet ﷺ said: “You will not enter paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another: ‘spread salaam‘(the greeting of peace) among you.”

Loving one another is linked with saying Salaam! If we really want to feel united in order to help our Ummah, let us begin where the Prophet ﷺ has instructed us.


  • Give full attention to the one we are conversing with.

Rasulullah صلى الله عليه وسلم was not one who stole glances. He صلى الله عليه وسلمwas not in the habit of turning his head towards someone who addressed him. Instead, he would turn his whole body to the person, showing him that he had his complete attention. After finishing the discussion, he would turn his whole body away. Otherwise, he would frequently just glance at things that he was not addressing.

Abu Hurairah رضي الله عنه reported that, when he ﷺ turned (to you), he turned his whole body, and when he turned away, he would turn his whole body away.


  • Show genuine care and kindness to others always.

Nabi ﷺ had the best of hearts. He showed empathy towards the people and was genuine in his manner when listening to someone speak.

Due to his piety, his heart contained immense good and he was most giving most generous. His heart burst with the most beautiful morals and only goodness would pour from it.

Some of the People of Knowledge said, ‘There is no place in the entire world that contained more good than the heart of Allah’s Messenger ﷺ: all good was gathered together and put in it.


  • Be an honest and trustworthy person. This quality is the epitome of the Sunnah of Nabiﷺ

Rasulullah ﷺ was the most truthful of people. It was such a quality, that won the trust of his people from a very young age.

Miswarah b. Makhramah said, ‘I asked Abū Jahl, my uncle, “Uncle! Did you ever accuse Muḥammad of lying before he came with his message?” He replied, “Son of my sister, by Allah, while he was still young, Muḥammad would be called al-Amīn (the truthful) by us. Even when his hair started turning white, he would still not lie.”


Ibn al Qayyim رحمه الله mentioned regarding truthfulness:Through it is the hypocrite become distinguished from the believer and the inhabitant of Paradise from the denizen of Hell. It is the sword of Allāh in His earth: it is not placed on anything except that it cuts it; it does not face falsehood expect that it hunts it and vanquishes it; whoever fights with it will not be defeated; and whoever speaks it, his word will be made supreme over his opponent. It is the very essence of deeds and the well spring of spiritual states, it allows the person to embark boldly into dangerous situations, and it is the door through which one enters the presence of the One possessing majesty. It is the foundation of the building of Islām, the central pillar of the construction of certainty and the next level in ranking after the level of Prophethood.’


  • >Learn to interact with all types of people.

Nabi ﷺ interacted with people in the best of ways. Whether young or old, no matter race ,age or status , he spoke in a manner that appealed to his audience. He was easy-going, compassionate and overlooked mistakes of those around him.


  • >Be sincere in your behaviour and attention towards others

Whoever mixed with him would think that he was the most beloved person to him due to the attention, kindness and sincere advice he received. There is no better way of dealing with people than this

Rasulullah ﷺ carried himself with an air of dignity and respect that caused an awestruck on people who saw him.

He captured the heart, ear , sight and soul.

Those who met him would say that they had never met anyone like him.

May we all aim to build our etiquettes in a manner which mimics our beloved Nabi ﷺ and may it result in the best gift of being in his company in Jannah Aameen


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