بسم ﷲ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Gaza: Tawakkul, Resilience & Faith (similar to that of Ibrahim [AS] )



Syeda Fatima Ahmad, Hina Arshad, Nabeela Zahid, Saffa Mustafa

TIL Women English – Year 1



Nestled along the Mediterranean Sea with Egypt to its southwest, Gaza is more than just a war-trodden land. Gazans have faced unprecedented violence, especially since October 7, 2023, resulting in immense suffering and countless lives lost. Despite destroyed livelihoods, Gazans symbolize unwavering perseverance and devotion.
In such adversity, Tawakkul, resilience, and faith are vital. Tawakkul encourages Muslims to trust Allah’s wisdom. Resilience and faith are essential for enduring Gaza’s hardships, providing hope and belief in divine support and justice





In such turmoil, Gazans embody Tawakkul, mirroring the legacy of Prophet Ibrahim (AS). His story, revered in Islamic tradition, is an eternal beacon of hope and perseverance. Tawakkul, a cornerstone of faith, fortifies Gazans through decades of strife.

In the Qur’an, Allah says:


“And whoever relies upon Allah – then He is sufficient for him.” (Qur’an 65:3)


Despite over 37,000 deaths in Gaza, people still praise Allah (SWT), exhibiting remarkable Tawakkul. Ibrahim’s (AS) tawakkul was demonstrated when he was thrown into the fire and Allah commanded the fire to be safe for him:





“”We said, ‘O fire, be coolness and safety upon Abraham.'” (Qur’an 21:69)



This event underscores true reliance on Allah, which Gazans maintain, believing steadfastness will bring eventual relief and justice.





Resilience, the capacity to recover from difficulties; a strength which is vividly illustrated in the story of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), whose life was filled with trials, including migration and severe tests of faith. His unwavering commitment to his beliefs and his ability to persevere despite significant challenges highlight the essence of resilience.

Similarly, the people of Gaza embody resilience amid constant conflict and hardship. Despite repeated destruction, they continuously support one another. Their ability to maintain hope and rebuild their lives after each setback is a testament to their unbreakable spirit and determination.

“Despite the destruction and rubble,the city of Khan Yunis is densely populated and they return to life on top of the demolition of their homes” Doaa Khaled, a Photojournalist in Gaza




Faith is the cornerstone of strength and hope, providing a sense of purpose and direction. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) exemplifies the highest level of

faith through his unwavering trust in God’s commands, even when asked to sacrifice his son.


In Gaza, faith is a vital source of strength and resilience. Permeating daily life and offering solace. Practices such as daily prayers, fasting during Ramadan, and other religious observances fortify the spirit and provide hope. This deep, unwavering faith helps Gazans endure their struggles, giving them the strength to persevere and find meaning amid hardship.

The people of Gaza, amidst the ongoing hardship, exemplify Tawakkul, resilience, and faith inspired by Prophet Ibrahim (AS). Their steadfast trust in Allah SWT keeps them strong through unimaginable challenges. Despite enduring genocide, their belief reflects Ibrahim’s (AS) example. Through Tawakkul, resilience, and faith, Gazans not only endure but also demonstrate a remarkable ability to rebuild, preserve their deen, and find hope during despair. Muslims should strive to support our brothers and sisters in Gaza for our Qibla e Awwal. It’s high time we develop the noble qualities of Tawakkul, resilience, and faith, just like Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and the people of Gaza.