بسم ﷲ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Tarbiyyah of children with respect to Prophet Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam



Syeda Adha Qadri

TIL Women English – Year 1


Parenting is an enriching journey filled with moments of joy, triumphs, and significant challenges. It is a phase of life where every decision, word spoken, and lesson imparted not only shapes our children’s futures but also influences the fabric of society itself. Parenting is an ongoing assessment of character and personality development, which reflects our deepest values and beliefs. From the initial stages of choosing a spouse to the lifelong commitment of guiding children from infancy to adulthood, parenting is regarded as an Amānah bestowed upon us by Allāh, requiring steadfast love, guidance, and wisdom.


The concept of parenting resonates profoundly with Tarbīyyah, originating from the Arabic word “raba” meaning to nurture, rear, and educate. Tarbīyyah encompasses the holistic development of a child—physically, intellectually, emotionally, and spiritually. Its aim is not only to cultivate good behavior but also to instill strong faith (Imān), moral character, and a sense of responsibility. Through Tarbīyyah, individuals are guided toward a deep understanding of their Creator, fostering balanced growth aligned with Islamic principles.


Prophet Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam exemplifies the essence of Tarbiyyah through his exemplary parenting of Prophet Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam. As both a father and a prophet, Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam instilled profound faith and moral integrity in Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam from a young age. Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam witnessed his father’s unwavering devotion to Allāh and commitment to His commands, which Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam not only preached but lived out in challenging times. Through narratives, rituals, and daily interactions, Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam imparted to Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam the core principles of faith and monotheism, preparing him with resilience and conviction for the trials of adulthood.


Both father and son demonstrated unparalleled faith and submission to Allāh, with Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam fulfilling divine commands and Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam willingly obeying divine decree. Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam embodied the virtues instilled by Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam, including patience, resilience, and unwavering trust in Allāh. Ismā’īl’s Alayhi as-Salam Prophethood stood as a testament to Ibrāhīm’s Alayhi as-Salam successful Tarbīyyah, upholding monotheism and righteousness and carrying forward his father’s legacy with clarity and conviction. His life offers profound lessons in Tarbīyyah, emphasizing key principles of faith, obedience, patience, and sacrifice.


As a young boy, Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam demonstrated remarkable patience and obedience when his father, Ibrāhīm Alayhi as-Salam, was instructed by Allāh to sacrifice him. Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam willingly accepted his fate, trusting in Allāh’s plan and demonstrating unwavering faith. This event not only showcased Ismā’īl’s Alayhi as-Salam faith but also highlighted the importance of parental guidance and spiritual development in shaping a child’s character.


Tarbīyyah is also reflected in the story of Prophet Ismā’īl’s Alayhi as-Salam own parenting of his son, Prophet Isḥāq Alayhi as-Salam. Isḥāq Alayhi as-Salam was known for his exceptional faith and devotion to Allāh, which was instilled in him by his father Ismā’īl Alayhi as-Salam. This intergenerational transmission of faith and values underscores the importance of Tarbīyyah in shaping the next generation.


Tarbiyyah is not just about individual character development but also about cultivating a society that aligns with Islamic principles and values. Educational institutions can integrate Tarbīyyah-based curricula and pedagogical approaches that nurture the holistic development of students, encompassing their intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth. This helps ensure that the values and lessons imparted at home are further strengthened and reinforced within the broader educational ecosystem. Community-level initiatives and social structures can support Tarbīyyah by creating platforms for families to engage in collective learning, spiritual development, and the implementation of Islamic teachings. This fosters a sense of community, shared responsibility, and mutual support in the process of raising righteous individuals and building a society grounded in faith and moral integrity.


Ibrāhīm’s Alayhi as-Salam testament urges parents to steadfastly hold to faith and Allāh’s path, imparting clear moral and religious values while setting high expectations for their children’s conduct. His legacy serves as a timeless blueprint for Tarbīyyah, inspiring parents to nurture the next generation with love, wisdom, and unwavering faith in Allāh.


جَزَاكَ ٱللَّٰهُ