بسم ﷲ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Life is short, enjoy it! – Nabi ﷺ way of social conduct with people



Naba Hamad

eMahad Graduate


In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often forget a simple yet profound truth – life is short. This realization should not instill fear, but rather inspire us to live fully, love deeply, and leave a positive impact on those around us. One of the most exemplary figures in this regard is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), whose way of social conduct serves as a beacon of light for humanity.


The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was known for his impeccable character, kindness, and compassion. His interactions with people, regardless of their social status, religion, or ethnicity, were marked by respect, empathy, and understanding. He treated everyone with dignity, and his actions were always guided by love and fairness.


One of the most striking aspects of the Prophet’s (PBUH) social conduct was his ability to make people feel valued and loved. He would listen attentively to those who spoke to him, making them feel heard and important. He was always the first to greet others, extending his hand in friendship and peace. His smile was a source of comfort and joy to those around him.


A beautiful example of this is the story of an old woman who would throw trash in the path of the Prophet (PBUH) every day as he passed by her house. Despite her repeated actions, the Prophet (PBUH) never responded with anger. One day, when the woman didn’t throw trash, he became concerned and visited her to inquire about her well-being. The woman was deeply moved by his kindness and compassion, leading her to change her perception and behavior towards him.


The Prophet (PBUH) also emphasized the importance of maintaining strong social ties. He urged his followers to visit the sick, support the needy, and maintain good relations with their neighbors. He taught that the best among people are those who are beneficial to others. This spirit of community and mutual support is a cornerstone of a fulfilling and meaningful life.


Moreover, the Prophet (PBUH) was a paragon of patience and forgiveness. He faced numerous hardships and adversities, yet he never allowed these experiences to harden his heart. Instead, he chose to forgive those who wronged him and responded to ignorance with wisdom and kindness. This teaches us that life is too short to hold grudges or harbor resentment. Forgiveness not only heals relationships but also frees our hearts from the burden of negativity.


In our pursuit of happiness and fulfillment, we often overlook the simple acts of kindness that can make a significant difference in our lives and the lives of others. The Prophet’s (PBUH) life serves as a reminder that the quality of our interactions with others is more important than the quantity. It’s about making a positive impact, no matter how small, in the lives of those around us.


In conclusion, the Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) way of social conduct is a timeless guide for leading a fulfilling life. His life teaches us that every interaction is an opportunity to spread love, kindness, and understanding. Life is indeed short, but by following the Prophet’s (PBUH) example, we can ensure that our lives are not only enjoyable but also meaningful and impactful. Let us strive to live our lives in a way that brings joy to us and those around us, for life is short, so let’s enjoy it to the fullest!


In life’s fleeting dance, let’s twirl with grace,

Emulating the Prophet, in every face.

Spread love and kindness, let no heart be sore,

For life is short, yet means so much more.

Smile, forgive, and lend a helping hand,

In the footsteps of the Prophet, we make our stand.

Life is short, so let’s enjoy the ride,

With the Prophet’s wisdom as our guiding light.