بسم ﷲ الرحمٰن الرحیم

Muhammad ﷺ – Our True Love ♡



Binte Abdurrazzaq

eMahad Graduate


What defines true love? Is it that you would be willing to give up your life and everything you have for a person? Or is it that you copy that person in every aspect of your life? Or is it that every second of your day, you think of that person? As you walk amongst others, you would find many different definitions for what “true love” could mean along with various answers for who that “true love” is. But ask any Muslim, and they would tell you the same thing when asked about who their true love it. Along with that, you would also find quite similar things included in that definition of what “true love” means. So, who really is this amazing being who is loved by billions of people throughout continents and centuries. It is our beloved Prophet, Muhammad ﷺ.


He ﷺ is the one who used to live more than fourteen hundred years ago, and despite the long passage of time, billions of people in this world, would be willing to give up everything-their families, their homes, their children, and whatever else they possibly could- just to have a glimpse of him. Their love for him is so immense that every action of theirs-the way they eat, the way they drink, the way they sleep, the way they walk, the way they talk- is done in the way of their beloved ﷺ regardless of what criticism they would to face from the people around them for doing so. Despite never having seen him, their thoughts are filled with his remembrance, and their hearts are about to burst open filling with the longing of being able to him ﷺ one day.


Now you might wonder, why? Why does everyone love him so much? Why is he so special? Even though no words would be able to express the greatness and Ihsaanaat of our Nabi ﷺ upon us, there are a few reasons why, we are human beings, love someone. The first reason is beauty. If there was anyone in this world, who was deserving to be loved due to their beauty, then it would be none other than our Prophet ﷺ. Ahadeeth books are full with mentions of his beauty. Imagine someone so beautiful that the Sahabah (رضى الله عنهم) would never be able to stop looking at him. They would never be satiated by looking at him, They would want to look again and again and again. As one Sahabi (رضى الله عنه) mentions


مَا رَأَيْتُ شَيْئًا قَطُّ أَحْسَنَ مِنْهُ ﷺ

Never have I seen anything more handsome than him (ﷺ).

Another reason why we love someone is due to their good qualities. If there was anyone, we could love in this world due to their good qualities, it would have been our Nabi ﷺ. Imagine you were oppressed and starved by your families and relatives for countless years, then thrown out of your own city. Then those same people did not let you live in another place peacefully either, they would come again and again trying to find a way to hurt you. Then finally one day, you got a upper hand over them, What would you do? Imagine that being, who would still be able to forgive them and let them go freely. That was our Nabi ﷺ. The third reason we love someone is due to their Ihsaanaat upon us. And if there was anyone in this world, who we could love due to their Ihsaanaat upon us, then it would have been our Nabi ﷺ. He ﷺ is the one, who would spend his nights crying for us, despite never having met us. He ﷺ is the one, who bought this Deen to us, and paved the way for us to be successful in this world and in the hereafter. He ﷺ is the one who would be say “Ummati Ummati” on the day when everyone else would be saying “Nafsi Nafsi”.


Now ponder on all the people you know, is there really any person who can be our “true love” more than Nabi ﷺ. Is there really any person who has done so much for you? Is there really any person who would be willing to sacrifice their whole life for you despite gaining nothing from you?